Mike Alderson Consultancy
Behaviour training and support for education settings at crisis point.
Our schools are facing
the most challenging times to keep children in school.
I can Help.
About Me
I have worked in and with education settings for over twenty-eight years. After spending six years as a Police Officer in West Yorkshire, I re-trained as a teacher.
I spent many years teaching in mainstream and later in social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) settings, before becoming an adviser, then a senior manager within the local authority. My passion has always been in providing specialist behaviour support to children and families, education staff and Social Care colleagues. I have worked with colleagues from across the country for over twenty years to help create and deliver nationally recognised and accredited training, particularly to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Understanding the function of behaviour and building secure, trusting relationships within a consistent and appropriately structured environment is the cornerstone to promoting more positive outcomes. From whole school behaviour audit, behaviour systems and staff training, to individual pupil behaviour support plans, risk assessment and management, I can support staff and leaders with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to create an environment where everyone can be successful.
Managing the Crisis
Did you know that pupils excluded from school before the age of 12 have been found to be four times more likely to be imprisoned during adulthood and pupils with SEND account for 47% of permanent exclusions and 43% of suspensions.
How I Can Help
Offer support to education settings around specific children and young people at risk of exclusion.
Work closely with leadership, staff, children and families to transform the culture around the child.
Provide training for schools and families to build relationships and implement behaviour management support plans consistently and with confidence.
Creating the Climate for Good Behaviour
I can work with education settings to undertake an audit of existing behaviour systems, from policy to classroom management. Taking a holistic overview, including input from staff, leaders, children and families, I support schools to create an action plan that can help to drive improvement in the way positive behaviour is fostered and maintained, and unwanted behaviour managed more effectively.
Behaviour Management Training
In the recent National Behaviour Survey (DFE 2024), less than half of all staff reported being given access to training in behaviour management. This is one of the primary factors in the national issue of rapidly decreasing staff retention. I have a proven record of providing training in behaviour management. This can be whole school or for targeted audiences, for example training teachers, TAs or Lunchtime Assistants.
De-escalation and Conflict Avoidance
Despite our best efforts, there are times when it all seems to go wrong. Too often, staff respond to a child’s behaviour in a way that escalates the situation into a crisis. Providing staff with the skills and understanding of the drivers and functions of behaviour and how to co-regulate will lead to improved responses and relationships.
Physical Intervention and Restrictive Intervention
With over twenty-four years’ experience delivering Institute of Conflict Management (ICM) and British Institute of Learning Difficulties (BILD) accredited training, I am a specialist in this area.
Understanding the difference between the use of supportive touch as part of a planned behavioural response, and the use of force to control, is essential. The use of restrictive interventions must always be a last resort.
I advise education and social care settings on the use of safe physical interventions, including policy, the Law, restraint reduction through careful risk management and positive relationship building, risk assessment and positive behaviour support plans, de-escalation, recording and restorative practice and learning.
Lets work together
Use this form to contact me and discuss your specific needs.
I work on a fixed hourly basis at £80 per hour.